Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Family Man!

Father's day 2010, a moment in time set aside to honor the sire of the family. He's the man, the provider, head of household, leader of the family. Did that sound a little chauvinistic? Well when abused it is, but the premise is someone has to ultimately be responsible for the families well being. The Bible appointed the male, and sometimes that is improperly used. You see the male has a responsibility to the female to do what's best for the family unit. A wise family leader would weigh his spouse's input heavily prior to a decision, because when Momma isn't happy, there is no peace. Being a leader of chaos isn't very flattering, in fact it's down right embarrassing. So a wise father gives mother equal input.

In today's society there are males and there are men. Being male is a gender, being a man is a responsibility. It takes courage and commitment to be a man, it's simply a right of birth to be male. Fatherhood is about those guys who pulled the zipper around to the front and assumed responsibility and held themselves accountable to their wives and children. Today we honor those individuals.

A responsible family leader bases his decisions on principles and faith. He influences the family unit by his actions. So if you want the end product to be lemonade you best start the process with lemons. Or in simpler terms, if you want a family others admire and don't run from, start with yourself, they are watching every move. What you sow, so shall you reap, don't plant weeds and look to harvest tomatoes.

Too many families suffer from a lack of male leadership. Those males shirk their responsibility and hand it off to others. Information and role models are acquired from the TV and from the street. When was the last time you saw a show on the boob tube that honored the family unit, specifically dad or mom? They make great ratings mocking fathers and pointing out dysfunction in the family unit.

So today we celebrate those who don't follow the herd. The exception, the leader, the man of the house, dear old dad. He'll get showered in ties, cologne, after shave, and cards for his efforts. They are all cherished and appreciated, keep them coming!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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