Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I've been disturbed about the education process for quite a while. Comments from Mr Human ape just cemented my dismay. The phrase he used, "basic biology", still concerns me. Those responsible for educating our youth have decided to pervert the lesson. My greatest issue is children are being taught what to think, not how to think. Had Mr.Ape said after weighing the facts he'd decided the theory of evolution made more sense to him, then I would have felt comfortable all his options were explained to him and he'd made a choice. His statements lead me to believe he'd been indoctrinated.

I used to subscribe to the theory, you can't teach common sense, but you can. First you have to teach the ability to think for yourself. Lay all the options on the table and offer a choice. How can one use their freedom of choice, if no other possibilities are presented? I do subscribe to the theory, people when are given all the options, without bias, they will make the right decision. I think that's part of the whole freedom gig our forefathers fought for. The God given right to choose, we were gifted at birth.

Common sense is rooted in experience. There are two types of experience, personal, and what we've learned from the action of others. The latter being preferred. It's far more painless to learn that the stove is hot by watching your little brother touch it, rather than having that experience for yourself. This is why we read the books of great men and women. Why not allow history to teach us the roots of common sense, rather than make the mistakes again?

People who've been taught what to think never learn this concept. I'll bet if you the research, they never stray far from the institution, or a population center of like minded people, after graduation. The security of having their opinion maker handy is important to them. The truly independent thinkers are those who use their common sense to survive, be it in a rural setting or trying to circumnavigate the world at sixteen. A farmer without common sense would likely end up in a emergency room, not only quick, but often. In fact a free thinker almost mandates they exercise their independence for survival. Convenience is for those who forfeit the independence to provide for themselves. They understand exceptionalism is just the other side of inconvenience, cloaked in hard work and perseverance.

The punctuation on this thought is when a disaster strikes. Who turns to others or the government for help? Who faces the issues at hand and finds solutions? Talk and theory is cheap, action cures problems. So do we want a nation of self thinkers and problem solvers, or a nation of needy? I'm for the independent! Who's with me?

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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