Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's Been a Year!

Today marks my 365 TH post, one full year of thoughts and ideas. I've been so amazed and humbled by the growth of the readership, it's almost overwhelming! We've confronted so many wrongs and shared some great ideas, but our work is far from done.

Last evening I joined with some old friends and took Stanley's ashes out to sea, you may remember I did a post about Stanley,(See Ode to Stanley). I've have to tell you, it's not likely you'll find a more diverse crowd, but they all did agree on some common themes.

The leadership in Washington is like watching a clown show.
This country has strayed from it's morals and values.
The economy and their work situation is declining before their eyes at an extremely rapid pace.
They are all visibly worried.

Now this is a group you'd have a hard time getting to agree on anything. You couldn't get them all to go to the same restaurant to eat, let alone agree on political issues. The only thing they have in common is they all loved Stanley, and they are all vocal people. I have to say I was taken aback by the common theme as I reacquainted myself with my past. It was like I'd entered bizarro world. So with that information under my belt, I'm re-inspired...My work here is not done!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Congratulation on your first year CAPTAIN.


    .....................................I MAN
