Thursday, April 15, 2010


Ah tax day! Here's where Americans empty their pockets and donate up to 35% of their hard earned money to support the spending habits of the addicts we elected. Today everyone is a fiscal conservative; Well everyone who actually pays income tax. Apparently 50% of Americans don't participate in this ritual.

While they do contribute 7.5% to 15% to social security, and a few percent more to support medicare and medicaid, lower income owners get a pass on the federal income tax. You see, "All men are created equal" here, until it comes to supporting the government. Some may say that the financial well to do should pay more, and to that I say they do; 35% of a $1,000,000 is a whole lot more than 35% of $48,000. I've done the math!

So is a "progressive" (note how that is similar to the progressive movement) tax code fair and just? Nope! The wealthy don't use the government's services any more than average income citizens. Our country's founding mission statement demands that we treat everyone the same, they didn't allow for exceptions! Do the wealthy in this country have an obligation to the poor? Well, in my eyes that's between them and their maker. When the government decides to commandeer your wealth and redistribute it, that akin to theft. The government is entitled to tax you to keep itself operational and defend our borders, again as outlined in the original mission statement, but charity is up to the individual.

Non profits are viable business. They employ people and administer charity virtually fraud free. Not a claim the government can make. The non profit also strives to get the recipient off the handout wagon and back to a contributing member of society, again another claim that eludes the government when they get involved in charity.

Citizens will gladly give their fair share to keep America strong, but there is a bile taste in our mouths from misappropriation of funds, fraud, and usurping of authority. Be heard, and be heard often, and most importantly insist on candidates that'll follow these guidelines, then vote!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

    a book written in 1960 warning about what's happening "right now" in AMERICA.
    BARRY GOLDWATER (("never")) compromise his principals neither will I, will you??
    What does this have to do with taxes well it's in the book.

    Thank you for your time.
    ......................................I MAN
