Friday, August 13, 2010

Teach Your Children Well......

Yesterday's post drew some great comments about how the government took God out of school. While I agree that influence is vital, and a God fearing atmosphere can do nothing but improve the learning experience, we shouldn't rely upon just the government. That responsibility begins at home. It's not only critical we expose our children to our religious belief, it's mandatory we set the example.

Let's face it, we screwed up when we allowed the government to educate our children. The school system produces a product that is taught to work for someone. Their idea of success is outdated, it's still based in industrial age thinking. Get good grades, get a job, and work 45 years for retirement with a good company. While prior to 1990 that was the norm, it's not how things work now. There are no benefits to retire to, unless your in government service. Yet it's still the curriculum in school.

Has anyone seen a course study to teach how to become wealthy? Even business courses are based upon management principles. your taught to be an employee. Have you ever thought about why that is? The simple answer is, you cannot teach what you don't know. Have you met any wealthy teachers? A great note to this point is, Bill Gates and Michael Dell both dropped out of school to become successful, wealthy entrepreneurs.

Government is suppose to be good at raising armies, printing money, and defending the borders. How successful has that been? Since they can't handle their basic job description, why would we trust them to educate our most valuable assets? We bear the responsibility as parents to instill the Golden Rule in our offspring. Passing that responsibility off to the government isn't a wise course of action. After all aren't they products of the government education system themselves?

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Government Education us or Government programing us??
    If your for Government everything then you've been programed.
    If your not for Government everything then you failed.
    Failed at what.
    1) Being Educated.
    2) Being Programed.
    Well professor I agree with you.
    Straight (A)
    Well professor I disagree with you.
    The big (F) and it wasn't for freedom.

    Thank you for your time.
    ............................I MAN
