Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Problem or Opportunity?

Everyone has problems in their lives, but how do you choose to view those issues? Are they truly a challenge, or an opportunity? If you choose, that's right I said choose, to look at a problem as an opportunity to improve our life, then it takes on a whole new meaning.

First your reaction to the situation is your choice. If we take a negative pose, the chances of a positive outcome are slim. Problems only become problems when you give up your opportunity to take a positive outlook. You have the power to make that decision. Remember every problem addressed and solved, makes you life that much better, an opportunity to improve.

Make a list of all those things, big and small, that put a burr in your britches. I think you'll find some of them can be quickly put to bed with very little effort. As you collect victories under your belt, the confidence grows to confront bigger issues. Each one dealt with and resolved makes your world a more positive environment. Shortly, before you know it, your ready to take on world hunger, and all because you made a list and walked in a positive direction.

Remember a problem is nothing more than an opportunity to improve your life!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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