Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Keep It Between The Ditches!

Well, I've heard this analogy for the last time, it's time to address it. Our president seems to liken his recovery attempt to a car stuck in a ditch. If I'm not mistaken his words go something like this, "You're not going to hand the keys back to those who drove this car into the ditch, now that we've just gotten it out."

That's cute!

First of all the car's still in the dang ditch! We're not going to give the keys to anyone to drunk to realize that. The intoxication of power has shaded the view of the White House. They are so far removed from reality, they're starting to believe their own spin.

Secondly, while the republican's had their hands on the wheel, the democrat's had their foot on the accelerator. May I remind the president, the democrats controlled the Congress for half of those eight years. Nothing gets passed in Washington without cooperation of all three branches. It's also important to note Mr. President, that you, yourself, were part of that guilt ridden Congress. I think it's time for a breathalyzer, maybe too much time was spent at the beer summit?

Then we move on to the campaign hype. To paraphrase, "to move forward you put the car in D not in R." The president's reference to vote for the democrat's not the republican's. The "D" on this shifter seems to stand for debt. Your driving us further an further into the mire. Any good tow truck driver, with real world experience knows, to extract a vehicle from a ditch you bring it out the way it went in. So in this case the "R" the president speaks of, should represent repeal, replace, and restore.

Here's the scoop, they are all to drunk with power to drive our economic engine. It's time to replace the incumbents, they can't pass the field sobriety test. The political designation of "D" or "R" is meaningless, they all have to go. It's time to put people in office that respect and understand the powers granted by the Constitution. Officials who spend our money with an air of fiscal responsibility, and the principle of frugality. Not like a drunk in a bar that just got paid. And finally some representatives that listen to the people who pay them, and put them in office. We're tired of the arrogant indifference from public servants.

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. P, R, D, I, don't care what letter they have at this point I'll vote for anyone who said they will undo this mess that's been done to undermine this great country of mine!

    Thank you for your time.
    ...........................I MAN
