Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Leadership Contrast!

Today I want to contrast leadership styles and see if there isn't a flaw in the thought process between styles. Let's compare....

Arguably, the greatest leader to walk the face of this planet had to be Jesus. He lived his life above reproach, and led by example. He suffered and died on the cross for our sins, resurrected, and took his place at the right side of the Father. It's important to note here, he didn't ask anyone else to take his place. It would have been easy to have Peter or Paul step in and take the punishment, but a leader doesn't do ask anything of a follower he wouldn't do himself. (Key point).

In contrast Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and Taliban religious zealots ask followers to strap explosives to themselves, and maim and kill other people, so they can achieve a place in heaven. This incredible sacrifice grants them a gift of at least 20 virgins. Key note here, the "leadership" never offers to make that sacrifice. They seek self preservation, not the salvation of their people. One hundred and eighty degree the opposite of the example noted above.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. walked this earth for a cause. He preached non violent resistance and love, and led the marches that would eventually end him up in jail. His belief led to his demise, but the cause was always bigger than the person to him. Once again he never asked anyone to do something he wouldn't do himself.

Again in contrast we have the "leadership" of SEIU and other groups who are bussing in their followers to radically protest various causes they don't agree with. Inevitably the protesters are arrested and booked, yet none of the upper level management, the people who organized these marches, are among those incarcerated. Now who's welfare are they ultimately looking out for?

Above there are two exemplary examples of true leadership, and two that don't pass the smell test. Measure the leader by their example and selflessness, it'll expose the posers. Ask a blind follower if their leader is making the same devoted sacrifice to the cause at hand. A sheep is led, a follower is influenced in a positive manner.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Leaders are the innovator of man for the benefit of man.
    Con men have an agenda you do the sacrificing they take credit.
    Real leaders sacrifice con men take.

    Thank you for you time.
    .........................I MAN
