Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Did You Know Your My Hero?

One of the greatest traits I admire in a man or woman is courage. While I respect character and integrity, and demand it from those I associate with, without courage, one might never know of your character and integrity.

Most of our heroes are first responders, risking life and limb to run into burning buildings, or our service men defending our freedom and the rights of others. Some of our heroes are role models, parents, teachers, or community leaders, that demonstrate character and integrity for us to follow. The often overlooked hero is the one who has the courage to speak up to right a wrong.

How often does a situation arise when we say to ourselves,"someone should do something about thet?" Go look in the mirror partner, that someone is staring back at you! God gave us a spine, it's time we put it to use! Find the courage to voice your opinion, tell the world what you think. You spend all that time forming your opinion, why do you keep it to yourself? If it's worthy of having, it's worthy of defending.

Just like those who "protect and serve," you have a duty to your community. It maybe a political wrong, or a social injustice but if it's hurting another human, why oh why would you keep your input to yourself? Who does that serve? Take a page from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s book and get involved. Love your neighbor enough to make a difference. Be a hero!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. You me with most of AMERICA will be heroes in November.
    I have the power of 1 vote so do you!

    Thank you for your time.
    ............................I MAN
