Monday, May 24, 2010

Written In Stone!

Has anyone ever wondered why the Ten Commandments were passed along to us written on stone? They did have paper back then. Here's my thoughts....

I think this is where the term "written in stone", comes from. They weren't meant to be watered down or altered, what they say, they mean, and they stand forever. Those are the principles we should guide our lives by, no exceptions. They are not subject to interpretation. The Ten Commandments are a clear and defined message!

Perhaps our founding fathers should have considered putting the principles this nation was founded upon in stone as well, wait....they are. Those ten laws were the basis of the foundation everything we stand for is built. So why do we allow any perversion of our belief? In a biblical sense, anything that was contrary to the Ten commandments was considered the message of Satan himself. When did that change?

We've allowed those in government to pervert the history being taught to our generations allowing the founder's faith to be placed in question. We've allowed, though our ignorance, a faction of this government to lead us to believe in a separation of church and state when there is clearly no such law. They've simply spoke it into existence, creating their own version of history, because after they've controlled the message We either didn't know any better, or didn't care. As a Judo-Christian principled nation, we offer freedom of religion, and any idealism spoken or written by the founding fathers to that end was clearly to preserve religion from government, not to protect government from religion, as the perverters would have you believe.

You can point a finger toward everything that is wrong with society and define it as a perversion of our original belief. We based this country on those ten principles for a reason, and we've clearly drifted from that concept. The results speak for themselves.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. The tragic mistake AMERICA has made for too long is that we have not taken the values of our founding fathers and passed on to future generations.
    We have not involving our family members in the process of developing a family values statement the word of truth (values should be clearly displayed in our home.)
    As the truth is not hard to kill, "a lie well told is immortal".
    “A fight for a great principle ennobles a nation.
    A fight for political supremacy, upon some shallow pretext, is despicable, and more than ought else demonstrates to what immeasurable depths of base less ness liberals and democrats, progressives can descend.”

    Thank you for your time.
    ...........................I MAN
