Thursday, May 27, 2010

Some Analogy

Never in my lifetime have I seen America so aware of the political environment. I have seen equal levels of patriotism, but never the hunger to understand the system and the desire to get involved. I had a discussion with Orrin yesterday about an analogy he had read and I thought I'd share. I've got a couple of others to throw in, as it seems for the reasons above, Americans are becoming philosophical about politics.

America's republic, although the longest standing form of democracy, is destined to fail. That's simply a historical fact. Human nature destroys it as they soon understand they have the power to vote themselves the government largess, (in the form of entitlements), that will bring it's ultimate destruction. The analogy likens the people to a bad renter. They understand it's a short term lease and do nothing to take care of the place. The security deposit,( the lives that paid for this freedom), has been selfishly forfeited, as they have no intention of maintaining what they were lent, and returning it to the next generation as they found it.

There are many who find this selfishness repulsive, we like to call the responsible. Unfortunately they don't run the government. Which leads me into the next analogy...

Our economy is like a beautiful and strong thoroughbred, every race it enters it wins easily, it has no equal. This exceptional racehorse is controlled by a jockey, it's only holdback is the weight of the jockey on it's back. That jockey is our government. Lately our jockey has selfishly pulled itself up to an all you can eat buffet, and has increased the weigh load on the back of our racehorse, slowing it down. Our only hope is to pry this piggish jockey away from the dessert buffet, and put him on a crash diet. Our thoroughbred needs to lighten it's load, so we can again a competitive entry in the economic race.

We need to get government out of our lives and allow the principles of capitalism to work. Everything in our economy is self correcting, allowed to work itself out on it own, without government interference. Taxation and regulation is the bane of our society. This leads me to my last analogy...

I heard a woman liken the two parties to spectators at a large house fire. The democrats are currently pouring on the accelerant, but the GOP is standing around watching the house burn down, not doing anything. She was dismayed the GOP had let her down and didn't know where to turn. The reply to her dilemma was priceless. Don't put your faith in the democrats nor in the GOP, place your faith in the GOD to find the answer to this mess. Amen Brother!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. “Faith begins where Reason sinks exhausted.”

    “A Human Thought is an actual EXISTENCE, and a Force and Power, capable of acting upon and controlling matter as well as mind.”

    Thank you for your time.
    .........................I MAN
