Thursday, May 20, 2010


Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal stood before the American people and lied about his service during the Vietnam war. He is running for the senatorial post vacated by another liar and thief, Christopher Dodd. Blumenthal then had the audacity to stand again before the nation and say he mis-spoke a few times. Mr Blumethal, we are not idiots, to repeatedly vocalize something is not a verbal error, it's a lie, and to try to sugar coat it is a rationalization of lying. The proper way to atone for a lie is to first admit it. Then offer an apology, and try to regain our trust. The improper way to deal with a lie is to suggest your record in office is sufficient evidence you have the integrity and character to be trusted not to mislead the American people. To "mis-speak" over and over again is a pattern, a pattern of deception, not an attractive trait for people in positions of leadership! You sir cannot be trusted, don't even attempt to suggest that as a possibility. You don't deserve a position of leadership, in fact your service should be limited to the most menial of jobs, because everything you do must be inspected for completion, as you cannot be trusted to tell the truth. I pray the good citizens of Connecticut are not misled yet again and elect you to any position of power, let alone a post in the federal government. Shame on that collection of fools you got to stand behind you as you made these statements. By association you've impeached their character and integrity as well, you sir are as evil as they come.

Now with that said, I want to be clear I realize we are all sinners and no one is perfect. The last guy who was perfect they hung on a cross. Forgiveness and redemption demands admission and atonement. I'm not seeing that here, I'm seeing excuses for bad behavior, which suggests we should accept it. Not happening, I don't care which side of the fence your political party runs on.

This is yet another example of career politicians not "getting it", John Q. Public is tired of the deception in Washington and will no longer accept excuses, let alone elect someone who begins his federal career with a lie. You dishonored yourself, you dishonored your family, your not going to dishonor your nation. The "liars" in politics have yet to realize their position is not a job, it's an honor. Until they respect that honor bestowed upon them, they are doing their constituents a disservice.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. Here's how I see it I MAN.
    Put this in your book as a fact.
    When someone lies to you is because they don't "RESPECT! YOU!"....................

    Thank you for your time.
    .............................I MAN
