Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Time To Part The Waters Of Tyranny!

One of the greatest figures in biblical times has to be Moses. He was born a slave, moved to favor inside the Pharaoh's inner sanctum, killed a man who was abusing a slave and dealt with a self imposed exile, then rose up as God's chosen one to lead the Jews out of Egypt, and to be free of tyranny. A great story of leadership, struggle, and victory, that's been repeated many times in history.

George Washington was one of America's Moses type figures. He led our country away from the tyranny of England, to form a promised land where all could be free to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. But George left one important aspect of America behind, the victims of slavery.

Enter Harriet Tubman, another Moses like figure in historical times. She led the slaves out of tyranny toward the promised land through her underground railroad network. But her truly great work wasn't complete either...

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. arose as the next to assume a Moses like role. He led the his people to the promised land of civil rights, and equality for all men.

All the historical figures above share a couple of things in common. They had a great network and didn't have to operate alone in their struggle, and the people they freed, didn't initially appreciate their new found freedom. In fact most wanted to return to the tyranny they fled from because it offered them security. It's what happens when oppressed people are given freedom, then suddenly realize they don't have the umbrella of someone controlling them and addressing their needs.

We're entering a period where our freedom is threatened. Government is offering a veil of security to us, under the guise of watching out for us. We are creeping back into oppression just like the Jews wanted to go back to Egypt. Who among us will rise as the next Moses and lead us down the right path? It seems right now we are wandering in the desert as did the freed people Moses led, until we appreciate the value of the freedom we were gifted. How precious do you hold your rights?

Sucking on the teet of government largess is leading us right back to the slave like conditions Harriet Tubman risked her life to help other's escape. Unemployment insurance, welfare, food stamps,medicaid, medicare, social security, and every other government regulation and assistance are all handcuffs keeping us from self reliance, or in another word ....Freedom. Are you willing to trade your freedom for security? Entitlements threaten our American heritage, they push us right back into the overseer on the plantation, or the tyranny of King George. Who among you will walk in the footsteps of Moses, Washington, Tubman, or Martin Luther, and cling to the principles of freedom that lead us out of tyranny? Stand up America, everyday we procrastinate we become one step closer to returning to slaves.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. As I see it by I MAN.


    These men and women are the the PAUL REVERES of our time but none seen as a Moses.
    Maybe they'll be one in November.

    Like with Moses time will awaken the new Moses amongst us.

    Tea anyone??

    Thank you for your time.

    ................................I MAN
