Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thermal Deceit!

Well today we will be blessed with a proposal to institute a Cap and Trade policy over our economy. Despite the growing pile of information leading to the conclusion that global warming is a hoax, including the impropriety of present and past elected officials involvement in establishing the Chicago Carbon Exchange, a endeavor expected to be a 10 trillion dollar boon for those investors. The exchange will be similar to the New York Stock Exchange trading carbon credits for cash, Al Gore and President Obama are just two of the players involved in the initial funding of this endeavor. Is it any wonder why they are so unwavering in their belief and support of the global warming initiative? We still have representatives perpetuating this delusion of wrong thinking. I'm beginning to believe they are simply basing their support on social issues rather than factual. They don't wish to be portrayed as anti-climate, clinging to their loyalty, not seeing past their illusions or the imagination-killing need to fit in with the liberal tree hugging crowd.

The climate is not a linear issue, there are no absolutes. If there were, the weatherman would always be correct, which ranks right up there with the odds of winning the lotto. As one attempts to make predictions further and further into the future, the amount of information one needs to gather about initial conditions increases exponentially. Truth be told, the input global warming scientists had was shaky at best, so the margin of error was incredible. Climate is actually a non-linear event, influenced by too many variables to accurately predict from day to day, let alone generations into the future. The forces of nature are constantly poised on the edge of unpredictable change, making the whole affair basically a crap shoot. This is a premise for legislation? I think not! This is the blindness that decades of living in Washington, or a Harvard education produces, enhanced by the arrogance of perceived power. Sprinkle the opportunity of a quick buck, with a minimal ground floor investment on top of that and presto-chango, we have the legislation, and in a word, corruption.

The infuriating part is they believe they've gotten away with it, and we are too stupid to see through the smoke screen they've created. It's my belief that once this is exposed,(if the media ever does it's job), It will exceed any political scandal ever, bar none. This will make Watergate look like a childhood prank.

Austrian economist Friedrich August von Hayek once said, "There is much reason to be apprehensive about the long run dangers created in a much wider field by the uncritical acceptance of assertions which have the appearance of being scientific." Sounds like he knew Al Gore!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. How I see it I MAN

    The truth is we are in global warming.

    Now the hole truth we've been in global warming for the lest (11,000 years!!)

    Now more of the truth ((((((((( "WE CAN'T DO NOTHING ABOUT IT!!!")))))))))))

    There's more to the truth there where ice glaciers as thick as 1 mile as far south as St Louis?

    Where did that ice go did some one make a big Martini with all that ice.

    If you believe in global warming enjoy your Martini.

    There's a sucked born every minute don't think so ??

    Just ask BIG Al.

    Thank you for your time.

    ................................I MAN
