Sunday, May 30, 2010

Let's Appraise The Situation!

Today I'd like to explore the meaning of adding value to others. I once read a line in a book that I find more applicable everyday, it goes like this...." You'd be amazed with just how much YOU have to do with what happens to YOU." I think you reach a whole new level of maturity and when you come to that plateau of understanding. Your actions, both good and bad, have a reflection on how your scene in the play of life is read.

For a moment let's analyze the people who fill our world and stand out above the others. What do they all have in common? I've found their impact is directly proportional to the value they add to me. Sounds a little selfish, doesn't it? Well not really, a great deal of those I speak of add a spiritual value to my life. Examples for me to envy and emulate. Adding value doesn't have to come as a monetary reward. One may be a shining example of a great work ethic, or have a fantastic relationship with their spouse and children. Another might have impeccable integrity, and values. Some exude a massive bank of knowledge, while others are just the best of friends, offering encouragement and edification to prime my ego and keep me on a positive track. They could also be a shining example having a strong emphasis on their faith, a trait I greatly admire! Surrounding yourself with people who add value to your life is like being moored in a harbor at low tide. The rising of that tide lifts all the ships in the area equally. You all add value to each other with your special gifts. This is the key to leadership, the impact of affecting others, through your example. Or, adding value to others, creating a vacuum for those to follow.

When you add value to another it creates a magnetic field that draws that person closer to you. It's natural to want to be in the company of such people. Define the traits you'd like to emulate, then seek those who have the fruit on the tree. Learn from them, then take that knowledge and add value to others, who will in turn influence a larger circle of friends. This is how we affect positive change. This is a clue to effective leadership, and creating a life of substance. You don't have to stand in front of masses to affect change, just be the example, and it'll happen one person at a time. The principles of multiplication will take over from there!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

    Thank you for all you do.
    Thank you! for your time.
    ..........................I MAN
