Monday, November 29, 2010

Feelings, Nothing More Than Feelings.........

When I was a child, one of the biggest no-no's you could perpetrate, was to answer the question, "Why did you do that?", with the standard reply, "Because I felt like it." Immediately following that statement I would feel a warm fuzzy feeling on my backside, strike that, a red hot stinging feeling. The lesson they were trying to teach me is a life ruled by the dictator of your feelings, is going down the wrong path. You should allow your life to be governed by the discipline of the guidelines laid out by our maker. I never connected the dots, but the seven deadly sins are all feeling driven actions.








Which leads me to my second point. In yesterday's blog I noted that a faction of society is trying to alter life's lessons so no one gets their "feelings" hurt. Score isn't being kept, grades are being designed as pass or fail, and any degree of exceptionalism is paved over with mediocrity being celebrated. Isn't that allowing feelings to rule your life? Shouldn't we take the lessons of failing and grow personally, ignoring the "feelings" aspect and focusing on the lesson?

Now "feelings" aren't a bad thing, we all have them, but when they become the dictator and rule your actions, we should remember that sharp stinging pain on our backside. Life is a struggle, and it's meant to be. If our youth doesn't struggle and learn life lessons, we've failed to prepare them. The key is to learn to be in control of your "feelings" and not be so emotionally immature as to allow them to overcome our thoughts and actions.

So, How's that make you feel?

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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