Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Experience Is The Best Teacher!

During the election, I heard a pundit say in President Obama's defense, that he was a smart man, and he'd figure out how to bring the shift of power together to further his agenda. I've found there is different types of "smart." There is book smart, and there is experienced. You can read about doing something like milking a cow until your a well versed expert, but until you actually wrap your hands around a teat and learn the proper technique, you won't produce much milk. While the President is a knowledgeable guy, everything he knows is theory, taught by professors who only know theory as well.

In the very same day I heard a pundit say that the President was taught in graduate school, as was he, that the economic theory of spending money to stimulate the economy was some sort of advanced principle we who've not attended graduate school were not aware of. He suggested his superior education theories needed to be taught to "We the People" so we could understand his course. You see, most of us haven't attended graduate school.

Now I could allow these two fools to get under my skin, or I could expose the stupidity they spew to you the reader. What this in fact reveals is there is an attitude of "elitism," a form of divide present in this country. It's almost comical as the economic theory they spout (Keynesian) has failed in every model world wide. There isn't a single working example that has prospered. Their defense is...It's not been tried here, (yes it has), and we've not spent enough money to make it work yet. To that I ask...What is the tipping point? When, where, and how can we agree, enough is enough? They don't know how to milk a cow, they've never done it!

Here's what you and I, the simple people understand. If you spend money you either better have money in hand, or the solid promise of immediate income to cover the expense. And if you spend it foolishly, you won't have that money long. "A fool and his money are soon separated." and "When a man with money meets a man with experience, the man with experience gets the money, and the man with the money gets the experience."

Yesterday we as a nation tried to remove the fools without experience from Washington. Some of the states passed the IQ test, some didn't. There is much work yet to do. I'm embarrassed for some of our states. They elected "bearded Marxists," and convicted liars. How do you hold your head high and say I'm from the great state of (fill in the blank), when that's who you've chose to be your personal representative? We as voters need to demand better options at the ballot box. Frankly, some of the choices were shameful.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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