Friday, November 19, 2010

Be Yourself, It's Like No Other!

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it's best, night and day, to make you everybody else-means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight- E. E. Cummings

Every person is an unrepeatable miracle, at least in God's eye. Yet isn't society trying to push us all into a mold? First it starts in our government schools, where we are subjected to standardized testing. Your answers are to be defined as right or wrong, with no room for discussion of other ideas. In school we are instructed to get a job, we're not taught to think creatively and become entrepreneurs. Instead of being taught character, we are taught to be characters. Puppets in the play of life. Forced to become a molded brick, instead of enhancing our individuality and allowed to be as diverse as a stone. Each one different, each one unique!

"Because there are no formulas to attain the truth of the road, each of us must run the risk of his own steps. Only the ignorant seek to imitate the behavior of others. Intelligent men waste no time with that, they develop their personal abilities, they know there are no leaves alike in a forest of 100,000 trees. No two journeys on the same road are alike."-Sufi Hafiz

As we emerge from the government schooling we are thrust into a world where individuality is a bad thing. The desire is to level the playing field, make everything the same for everyone. The diversity of culture is lost by people trying to evolve us into a one color, one culture world. While the "party of they" try to act like they celebrate our uniqueness, they strive to herd each of us under one umbrella. Conformity creates less problems for them to deal with, but it also robs us of our cultural heritage.

In the Bible, God destroyed the Tower of Babble. It was an effort to bring one world, one language into fruition. There are forces in this world dedicated to reenact that story. Listen carefully to their rhetoric and expose them for the dysfunction they are trying to create. Remember......

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world!" -Mahatma Ghandi

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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