Friday, November 20, 2009

A Race Case!

Today I'd like to applaud one politician and expose the cancer that infects the rest of them. I found this an interesting incident and I like to think concerned voters will to. It involves the Rev. Jesse Jackson and his incessant need to apply the race card to everything. I find him to be one of the biggest barriers to race relations. I also find it ironic that as a liberal he insists on mixing his church and the affairs of the state. Aren't they always crying foul when the other side introduces religion into any political conversation? Here's the scoop....

The Rev. Jesse Jackson on Wednesday night criticized Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.) for voting against the Democrats’ signature healthcare bill.

“We even have blacks voting against the healthcare bill from Alabama,” Jackson said at a reception Wednesday night. “You can't vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man.”

So in his eyes standing for your principles and defending the constitution is not a trait of the black man? Rev. Jackson; Are you American or are you black first? That is assuming the color of your skin has diddly to do with representing your voters and standing for what you believe in. I'd like to applaud Rep. Davis for stepping outside the pressure and voting his conscience. He was the only member of the Congressional Black Caucus to vote against the bill.

In a surprise twist of events Rep. Jackson-Lee a noted left wing liberal had this to say...

Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas) said each man was doing what he considered the right thing.

"People have a right to vote their constituency, and people have a right to speak their conscience," Jackson-Lee said. "Both happened."

Trust me I was shocked. That's totally out of character for her! But bless her heart for opining a political correct statement! Maybe there is hope that our leaders will put aside race and become American. It seems some feel it necessary to make race the ultimate special interest group. We are all members of the human race, anytime you hyphenate your status _______-American (fill in the blank), you leave your interests as a member of the human race and become a special interest lobby. Are we all as free men and women not granted inalienable rights bound by our creator? Think about that Rev. Jackson, and get back to me on if we are not all one in God's eyes? Maybe you ought to go reread Dr. Martin Luther King's speech, you know the "I have a dream" one. Then ask yourself if this is contributing in a positive manner toward that end?

Oh, and before you start your rant. Free healthcare is not a right granted by anyone. Not the Bible nor the Constitution, both handbooks for how we live. You're your brothers keeper, not Washington.

God Bless
Capt. Bill


  1. You have to understand Rev. Jesse Jackson is a victim and if you don't behave like a victim then you don't count.
    Rev. Jackson live to be a victim it's the only thing he knows with out being a victim he's NOTTHING!! but a fool.
    Now I see Rev. Jackson as a fool he also must see him self as a fool.
    One of these is just like the other victim / fool.

    Thank you for your time.
    .................................I MAN LEADER

  2. Here is the info I said I would get for who wants to follow up on what I said here it is again with the info.

    I have an idea everybody lets sent Congress and the Senate a copy of
    Lets do that what do you think??
    I think the Heritage Foundation has copies of the Constitution at a good deal,
    I will let you know next week where to get them so we can send them to Washington.

    Order Multiple Copies of the Pocket Constitution and Declaration of Independence at a Reduced Cost
    The Heritage Foundation is pleased to equip you with two of the most important and revolutionary documents ever written!
    The future of liberty depends on recla

    Each Pack of 10 copies: $10
    Each Pack of 50 copies: $25
    iming America's first principles, and The Heritage Foundation is leading the call to awaken our country and get it back on course. We seek to remind Americans that when you govern according to conservative principles, America flourishes!

    Thank you for your time.
    ................................I MAN
