Thursday, November 5, 2009

Leading by Reading!

Everyone is called to leadership at some point in their lives. Sometimes it's as big as leading a nation or as small as directing a loved one down the right path. It's a huge responsibility in either extreme. Leadership is defined as influence, hopefully good influence. Many times our actions unknowingly influence others, it's called leading by example! When others come to you in times of need or indecision, it's a great sign your actions have impacted their lives in a good way. You've been out in front leading without knowing it! When people ask your opinion I find it to be the highest of compliments. They value and respect your input!

I've found it mandatory in order to live up to that level of responsibility it's key to improve my knowledge. Reading is a fundamental tool for leaders. You have to have something to offer. Classic education demanded you read, it required you to think. A mind expanded by reading cannot return to it's original way of thinking! Many have decided their education ended when they left school, I found it was just beginning. Formal schooling gave you the tools you needed to continue your learning as you faced the experiences of life.

With that in mind drink deeply from the knowledge pool. I've been told if your not learning your going backwards, not unlike rowing uphill. A great place to start is to study people and relationships. Unless you live in a cave you have to deal with people. Why not try to understand he subject? Mastering relationships is one of the major keys to success! Learn the laws of attraction, life becomes easier when people agree with you!

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

    Words of IRON as always.
    Now if we could only replace the mud sling in Washington with IRON what would we have LEADERSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!.
    Imagine if they where sling IRON and not mud in Washington?

    Thank you for your time.
    .............................I MAN
