Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Anniversary of Change

Well today marks the anniversary of the biggest assault on American freedom and Democracy our country has ever faced. It was twelve short months ago American got sold change, and voted into a majority a progressive agenda. I find it ironic the worst threat to our freedom was a self inflicted wound. No nation has ever mounted an attack comparable to what we've done to ourselves. Ignorance and apathy are incredible weapons, more powerful than any army, navy, or nuclear threat.

On this day we have the opportunity to defend ourselves from this menace. We get to cast an informed ballot, and change the change. Americans have a chance to vote for freedom and put ignorance and apathy in it's place before it's too late! A conservative vote in the three major elections will hopefully send the message to Washington. We are not on board with this change, and if it continues we will make changes of our own, changes in personnel.

I'll encourage you to cast an informed vote today if you have an election to participate in. It's not so important you agree with anything I say as it is you do the research and vote responsibly reflecting your own personal beliefs. A great friend reminded me of something my Dad was fond of saying, it holds so true. "If you don't vote you've forfeited your right to complain."

A politician's job is defined as service to the people they represent, and to protect the constitution. Do you feel you're being served in Washington?

God Bless
Capt. Bill


    Ignorance is mans

    (((what!! the Price is Right is on got to go)))
    ((($525 no you idiot)))

  2. F.D.R. said every AMERICAN has a right to own a TV.
    The most powerful mine altering propaganda tool ever! the progressives aka socialist understood this even back then.
    Never mine how that hope and change working for you how is that TV working for you?
    The foundation of Tyranny is the ignorance of the people.
    The danger to a Tyranny is the education of the people.
    Are you a Danger? or are you a sheep?
    Now I have to go Im reading a book over again by

    Thank you for your time.
    ..................................I MAN
