Monday, June 29, 2009

A Message to Elected Officials Everywhere

Well, it's a mixed feelings day around my home. The 3-265th Sentinel Det. is boarding a plane bound for Jalalabad, Afghanistan to begin their tour. Be safe men, God speed, and God bless. I know the world is a safer place for all you do! The Lord will be hearing from me on a more frequent basis now that #1 son has decided to place himself in harms way for the cause of freedom. Stay safe Sgt.!

Now to my topic for the day! Recently the House of Representatives voted on the energy bill, it squeaked by and was approved bound for the Senate. I watched the media interview an elected official to the house who became indignant when asked if she had read the 1200 page bill, and it's attachments. Her reply. "I read major portions of it." I'll pause here while that marinates...................................

Dear Elected Officials:
We the people, (Your bosses), demand that you do the whole job we entrusted to you. Not "major portions" of it. Should we choose to do just "major portions" of our careers we would need those entitlements your so fond of passing out, like unemployment and welfare. We demand you hold to the same standards we are held to in the work place.
Personally we don't care what side of the isle you stand on, just read every word of legislation, and understand the impact it has on our nation, if enacted. It's you job! It's what we trusted you to do! What kind of gaul does it take to stand in front of your supporters and tell them you couldn't be bothered to do your complete job and protect us? What if a mechanic just decided to replace part of your brakes, or a doctor did just major portions of your surgery? Your votes have consequences, they affect people! How dare you shrug off your responsibility to protect us, and be so smug. This is the kind of behavior that reinforces the need for term limits. Your going to find out the real meaning of change next time we are allowed at the ballot box!
The Voters

God Bless
Capt. Bill

1 comment:

  1. It dose not sirprice me since the 300 page amendment was never written to able to read.
    They passed a bill (NO ONE READ).
    Wait didn't they pass a bail out bill no one read.
    Wasn't the A.I.G. bonus part of that bill.
    You think after that fiasco they start reading the bill's that come before them.
    A idiot would but there not as smart as an idiot.
    Now did you hear nancy polosi had already made a deals with most of the congressmen to vote yes.
    She already had the votes she needed so she tole those congressmen from the corn belt to vote no on Cap and Trade so they could keep there jobs.
    She knew she had the votes and didn't want these congressmen to lost the next election.
    aka dem r rats from the corn belt.
    They only voted no because she didn't need then to but if she did they would have voted yes.
    You didn't know this WELL! THAT'S BECAUSE YOUR SLEEPING.
    Now go back to yesterdays blog and read what the Capt. wrote then go to the comment I left.
    The libs where wide awake for the last 4 years while some of you are still SLEEPING!!
    What is it going to take for you to wake up to this soft tyranny.
    A vote by the representative you put in office is coming up IT"S for your freedom will you be awake.
    When that bill comes no one will read it and it will say the people lose there freedom and it will past.
    THAT"S WHEN YOU"LL WAKE UP!!!! guess what to late sweet dreams zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:~(

    Thank you for your time.
    .........................I MAN
