Thursday, January 20, 2011

Prosperity 101

America has always been about dismantling the power of the "elites." The original settlers left England to escape the will of the ruling class, and find the freedom to succeed without the glass ceiling imposed by those who were graced by birth.

The ever perceptive James Madison fretted about the tension between the freedom to succeed and the power of the successful. Safeguarding the ambition of the individual has always been what was the first object of our government from it's inception. But the diversity in the faculties of men-their differing abilities, invariably leads to a division of society. Creating a separation of classes, which led to unequal distribution of property. The "haves', and the 'have not's" , if you will.

For every American who believes in the fairness of the system, there is another who feels they are being trampled by powers beyond their control. The cream always rises to the top, then there are those who make excuses. American exceptionalism is what makes this country great. Yet even with every man being created equal, and given ample opportunity to succeed, there are those who will hold a grudge, or a chip on their shoulder, because "easy street" wasn't in their ambition level. This is where the progressive party steps in and picks at a festering wound. They are happy to point out to the "have-not's" that despite their equal start in life, someone has surpassed them, and that's just not fair.

The progressive agenda feeds this lack of contentment, and rather than help those who "have-not" arise from the ashes, enable their lack of success by entitlements, feeding anger. That anger is then pointed toward those in power as the weight that holds them down, and the progressive movement offers to step in an guarantee a lifestyle of mediocrity for all. While that works for the lazy, it's not how a productive society thrives.

How about we remove the incentive to be idle and return this great nation to it's root of prosperity? The needy in this country should be cared for by charitable organizations within the community. The reason the infection of entitlement abuse has spread is it has been fertilized by the "ah poor baby" mollycoddling of the agenda driven left. Let those at the local level distribute the charity and the incentive to be self sufficient, where it can be most effective. Remember when you rob Peter to redistribute his wealth to Paul, you can usually count on the vote of Paul in the next election.

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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