Sunday, October 3, 2010

Separation of Church and State!

I'm absolutely disgusted with the new trend in American politics. Democrats and progressives alike have taken to vilifying the wealthy. Their attempt to shift the tax burden to a financial class of citizens, and leverage those less fortunate against them is akin to the bully on the playground. The principles we founded this great nation upon are directly under attack. If all men are created equal, and entitled to equal treatment under the law, how do you justify different tax rates for different wealth classes of citizens?

A progressive tax rate penalizes the successful. Just by the math alone, if you taxed everyone 10% the "rich" would pay their fair share. A couple making $250,000.00 per year would be responsible for donating $25,000.00 toward our countries operating expenses, while someone making $50,000.00 per year would pay $5000.00 in taxes. Where in the name of all that's good and just is it fair to demand the rich pay a higher percentage of their income?

Back to the bully on the playground analogy, the less fortunate feel relieved that the bully chooses to pick on the "rich." But what if the bully decides it needs more, as bullies often do, and changes it's focus to you? Since we allowed the bully to assault the rich, didn't we set a precedent that allows this behavior to also flow in your direction? Left unchecked the bully has supreme power to pick on who it chooses at will. So by defending the "rich" are we not also defending ourselves?

Here's why I make this point. The expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts, and the left's suggestion we shift the burden to just those who make over $250,000.00 per year also contains a provision that will affect our not so rich retirees. Dividend checks, which a great deal of retirees rely upon for income, will have a tax rate increase from 15% to up to 35%. The capitol gains tax will increase from 15% to 25%, also affecting those seniors who invest in the stock market. Now, who's really the victim?

Hilary Clinton just donated $50 million of those tax dollars to third world countries so they can purchase clean energy appliances. Now I'm no economist, but wouldn't that be better spent lowering our deficient? This is just one example of thousands of the waste in Washington. We need to cut spending, balance the budget, remove the waste, make the tax burden equal for everyone. Perhaps those looking for government assistance wouldn't be so quick to the hand out line, if it was their taxes being increased to pay for it.

Now the Bible tells us to whom much is given, much is demanded. I travel in the company of many of the well to do and I'll tell you this...They do more than their fair share for charity. Yet even if they choose to be selfish, isn't that judgement to be made by their maker ,and not the federal government? That's my definition of separation of church and state!

God Bless!
Capt. Bill

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